Sunday, May 13, 2012

Back to Port-au-Prince: Radiology Education Days

It's been some time since I posted however gratefully it is not for a lack of progress.  I will be joining a delegation of radiologists, medical sonographers and radiological technologists as the ACR Foundation supports Radiology Education Days (RED) in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, June 4-5. 

The conference will be held at the Grace Children's Hospital and will provide both didactic and hands-on training  in plain film, ultrasound and the use of CT technology in radiology.  We hope to have 50-60 health care professionals attend the two-day conference.  The ACR Foundation has provided ongoing educational materials to the 19 radiologists that currently serve in the country of nearly 10 million.  This face-to-face education is essential in expanding and reinforcing the knowledge base of imaging in Haiti.

We are grateful for the in-kind support of Sonosite and GE for loaning portable ultrasound units for the conference.  In addition, we will be using the portable x-ray unit that was generously donated by Siemens to Grace Children's Hospital this past year.  The ACR Foundation also wants to thank the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for providing personnel and support on this trip. 

You can learn more about the trip in the current issue of the ACR Bullletin in the article entitled, "Going the Distance" written by Alyssa Martino  As always, the trip, as well as the support provided to assist radiology in Haiti, is supported through the Haiti Radiology Relief Fund at  Tax-deductible contributions may be made to the fund through this site. 

I will provide more information on the trip in the days leading up to our departure.  I will also provide daily updates on the program while in Port-au-Prince.  For more information about the ACR Foundation International Outreach Program go to