Monday, June 4, 2012

 The land where the original hospital stood.

Our day started early.  Six o'clock for breakfast, 6:45 for the bus.  We arrived at Grace by 7:30am.  The most startling change was the cleared out lot where the original hospital once stood.  The last time we were here the remains of devastation from the earthquake choked the lot.  Another unexpected surprise, a crowd was already forming the session.  

Grace medical director Frederic Vilme, MD opened the day by thanking the ACR, ASRT, and SDMS for their initiative.  I noted that the purpose of the meeting was not only to provide intensive didactic and hands on training   but to begin to build on relationships that will be more sustaining.  Attendees were provided jump drives, handouts as well as a CD Rom on the imaging of tropical diseases.  

Drs. Garçon, Rozenshtein and Joachim presented on Chest, TB and respiratory changes respectively.  Lunch is soon.  Great time to build relationships.


  1. Glad to see that you're up and running and that you have an eager crowd. Have a great day!

    1. Great work! I'm so happy to hear that you've had such a great turn out. Hope you made some good friends over lunch!

  2. i didn't mean to add that as a reply, but as it's own separate comment. apologies.

