While saying goodbye was a difficult thing to do, saying thanks is much easier.
To start, thanks to Paul Ellenbogen, M.D., Chair, ACR Board of Chancellors for his leadership and commitmen to this trip and for the commitment to improving radiology at GCH and in Haiti.
Thanks to Jim Borgstede, M.D., Chair, ACR Foundation International Outreach Committee for his foresight in developing the College's international outreach efforts.
Thanks to Bibb Allen, Jr., M.D., Vice Chair, ACR Board of Chancellors and Howard Fleishon, M.D., Speaker, ACR Council for their participation in the program and their observations on ways to improve what we can provide for radiology in Haiti.
Thanks to Rusty Brown, M.D. for his program leadership during this and our June program last year. His patience, wisdom and direction were essential to the success of these programs.
Thanks to Chuck Phelps, M.D. for opening doors and making long-lasting connections in Haiti and for his sense of service and generosity.
Thanks to Jeannine Hatt, M.D. for her insights into ICC and Grace and for her wisdom and relationships with pediatricians both in the U.S. and in Haiti that made this trip possible.
Thanks to the amazing faculty compiled largely from the World Federation of Pediatric Imaging, the Society for Pediatric Radiology, the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, and the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. This collaboration proved in part that we can get a lot done working together. Special thanks to our faculy members including Eva Rubio, M.D., Rebecca-Stein Wexler, M.D., Ron Cohen, M.D., Marthe Munden, M.D., Jennifer Nicholas, M.D., Ernst Garcon, M.D. and Michelle Wilson, Ed.D(c), RDMS for their inspired teaching, dedication and achievement. Also special thanks to Gina Joachim, M.D. for her presentation, interactions with patients and cases and ongoing service to the people of Haiti.
Thanks to Dorothy Bulas, M.D. and Don Haydon for helping us identify such a great faculty team.
Thanks to Ernst Garcon, M.D. and Marie Lina Excellent, M.D. for their invaluable translations of program materials and lecturs.
Thanks to the our friends at the ICC offices including Keith Mumma and Tom Willson whose planning was critical to our success.
Thanks to our friends at Sonosite particularly Wendy Schall and the outstanding international loaner program team. Your willingness to provide these devices helped roughly 100 physicians improve or be introduced to a necessary diagnostic tool for the people of Haiti.
Thanks to our friends on the ground at ICC/Grace. Of particular note was the leadership of ICC Board Chair, Billy Brandt, Grace Children's Hospital Medical Director, Josette Bijou, M.D., program meeting manager Robenson Lucceus and the indispensible Rosa Voltaire Damas. Their hospitality and graciousness to help host and run the program was instrumental.
Thanks to the fine physicians who directly helped us along the way including Gina Joachim, M.D., Carrine Cleophat, M.D., Jacqueline Gautier, M.D., Marie Lina Excellent, M.D., Josette Bijou, M.D. and the many others seeking to improve patient care in Haiti.
Thanks to the various executives we met including Billy Brandt, Jacqueline Gautier, M.D., Margaret Mehu, the Doctors Bitar (Marlon and Jerry), Gabou Mendy, M.D., Josette Bijou, M.D. and Maurice Mainville.
Thanks to the 100 participants whose thirst for knowledge and willingness to come great distances to improve their knowledge to the betterment of their country was an inspiration to us all.
Special thanks to Lauren Alfero, whose staff support was instrumental last June and whose full logistical support both planning and helping execute the program was invaluable to its success.
This was a tremendous team effort. I hope I did not leave anyone out because it took a lot of hard working, dedicated and
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